Sven Apel, Prof. Dr. |
Professor of Computer Science |
Chair of Software Engineering |
Saarland Informatics Campus |
Saarland University |
Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus |
Building E1.1, Room 2.11 |
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany |
Phone: +49 681 302 57211 |
E-Mail: |
Curriculum vitae, short bio, DBLP, Google Scholar, ACM, ORCiD, Bluesky |
A key vision driving my research is to empower software engineering practice to enter an era of intensive automation. I develop and evaluate methods, tools, and theories for the construction and analysis of efficient, reliable, maintainable, and configurable software systems. In this endeavor, I pay special attention to the human factor and interdisciplinary research questions. In particular, I am interested in:
Software product lines and configurable systems |
AI-based program generation and optimization |
Socio-technical software analysis |
Empirical and neurophysiological methods in software engineering research |
I apply my research results routinely to real-world software systems and projects from various domains, both from the open-source realm or in collaborations with partners from industry, such as Siemens AG, Bosch Engineering, and Airbus Helicopters.
ERC Advanced Grant “Brains On Code” |
ASE Fellow |
ACM Distinguished Member for Outstanding Scientific Contributions to Computing |
Hugo Junkers Award for Research and Innovation, awarded by the State of Saxony-Anhalt |
Appointment to the Young Academy of Europe (5 years) |
Heisenberg Professorship of the German Research Foundation |
Emmy-Noether Fellowship of the German Research Foundation |
Award of the University of Magdeburg and the Karin-Witte Foundation for the Best Doctoral Dissertation 2007 |
Software-Engineering Award of the Ernst-Denert Foundation for the Best Doctoral Dissertation 2007 |
Award of the School of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg for Outstanding Scientific Achievements 2006 |
Brains On Code (ERC Advanced Grant, 2 500 000 Euro, 2022–2027) |
CPEC (DFG, TRR 248, Principal Investigator, Projects C2 & E3, 2022–2026) |
Congruence (DFG, 620 000 Euro, 2020–2024) |
Pervolution (DFG, 520 000 Euro, 2017–2024) |
ExaStencils (DFG, SPP 1648, 510 000 Euro, 2013–2018) |
SafeSPL++ (DFG, Heisenberg Program, 660 000 Euro, 2013–2018) |
Pythia (DFG, SPP 1593, 700 000 Euro, 2012–2017) |
FeatureOpt (FFG, 100 000 Euro, 2015–2018) |
SafeSPL (DFG, Emmy-Noether Program, 1 300 000 Euro, 2010–2015) |
MapReduceFoundation (DFG, 160 000 Euro, 2011–2013) |
FeatureFoundation (DFG, 320 000 Euro, 2009–2013) |
Copyright Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these publications may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
FeatureHouse: Language-Independent Feature Composition | cppstats: Analyzing C Preprocessor Directives |
JDime: Structured Merge of Software Versions | SPL Conqueror: Performance Prediction of Software Variants |
SPLverifier: Variability-Aware Model Checking | TypeChef: Variability-Aware Static Analysis |
FeatureVisu: Layout-Based Feature Clustering | Codeface: Project Analysis and Dashboard Framework |
FeatureIDE: Feature-Oriented Software Development | Fuji: Feature-Oriented Programming in Java |
CIDE: Virtual Separation of Concerns |