Dr. Thomas Bock
Chair of Software Engineering
Campus E1 1
Saarland Informatics Campus
Saarland University
Campus E1 1
Saarland Informatics Campus
Saarland University

Room: | 2.17 |
Phone: | +49(0)681 302 57216 |
E-Mail: |
Research Interests
- Developer networks & developer roles
- Network growth models
- Software evolution and maintenance
- Empirical software engineering
- Coordination requirements in software development
- Perception of developers' communication behavior
- Feature-oriented software development
SS 2022 |
WS 2021/22 |
SS 2021 |
SS 2020 |
WS 2019/20 |
SS 2019 |
Former Courses at the University of Passau (2016–2019) |
SS 2019
- Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE)
- Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)
- Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)
Publications (copyright notice)
Thomas Bock, Niklas Schneider, Angelika Schmid, Sven Apel, and Janet Siegmund. Understanding the Low Inter-Rater Agreement on Aggressiveness on the Linux Kernel Mailing List. Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 222(4):112339, April 2025.
- Thomas
Organizational Patterns in Evolving Open-Source Software Projects: An
Analysis of Developer Activity and Coordination.
PhD thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Saarland University,
June 2024.
- Thomas
Bock, Nils Alznauer, Mitchell Joblin, and Sven Apel.
Core-Developer Identification on GitHub: A Validation Study.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM),
32(6):138, November 2023.
- Mitchell Joblin, Barbara Eckl-Ganser,
Thomas Bock, Angelika Schmid, Janet Siegmund, and Sven Apel.
and Hybrid Organizational Structures in Open-Source Software Projects: A
Longitudinal Study.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM),
32(4):86, July 2023.
- Thomas
Bock, Claus Hunsen, Mitchell Joblin, and Sven Apel.
Development in Open-Source Projects: A Higher-Level Perspective.
Automated Software Engineering, 29(1):3, May 2022.
Online version at SharedIt.
- Thomas
Bock, Angelika Schmid, and Sven Apel.
and Modeling Group Dynamics in Open-Source Software Development: A Tensor
Decomposition Approach.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM),
31(2):19, April 2022.
- Thomas Bock.
Development in Open-Source Systems: File-based, Feature-based, and
Master's thesis, Department of Informatics and Mathematics, University of
Passau, September 2016.
Copyright Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these publications may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.