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ICSE 2021
Sat 22 - Sun 30 May 2021 Location to be announced
Rui Abreu

Registered user since Thu 4 May 2017

Name: Rui Abreu

Bio: Prof. Rui Maranhão (publishes as Rui Abreu) holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science - Software Engineering from the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, and a M.Sc. in Computer and Systems Engineering from the University of Minho, Portugal. His research revolves around software quality, with emphasis in automating the testing and debugging phases of the software development life-cycle as well as self-adaptation. Dr. Abreu has extensive expertise in both static and dynamic analysis algorithms for improving software quality. He is the recipient of 6 Best Paper Awards, including a Distinguished Paper Award at ESEC/FSE 2019, and his work has attracted considerable attention. Before joining FEUP as a Full Professor, he was an Associate Professor at IST, ULisbon and a member of the Model-Based Reasoning group at PARC’s System and Sciences Laboratory and an Assistant Professor at the University of Porto. He has co-founded DashDash in January 2017, a platform to create web apps using only spreadsheet skills. The company has secured $9M in Series A funding in May 2018. He was a Visting Researcher at Google NYC between 2019 and 2020, working on building systems and tools to increase the security of C/C++ codebases.

Country: Portugal

Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal

Personal website: http://www.ruimaranhao.com/

Research interests: Software Engineering


MOBILESoft 2021Program Co-Chair in Program Committee within the Technical Papers-track
Program Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
ICSE 2021Committee Member in Program Committee within the Technical Track-track
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