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ASE 2020
Mon 21 - Fri 25 September 2020 Melbourne, Australia
Yun Xu

Registered user since Mon 18 Dec 2017

Name: Yun Xu

Bio: Yun Xu received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, in 2002. He is currently a Professor and a supervisor of Ph.D. students with the School of Computer Science of USTC, a member of National High Performance Computing Center at Hefei. Now, he is leading a group of research students in some high-performance computing and bioinformatics research. His research interests include code analysis and search, biological sequence analysis and mining, parallel algorithms, and parallel programming model and performance optimization. He has authored or coauthored more than 60 papers.

Country: China

Affiliation: University of Science and Technology of China

Personal website: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~xuyun/

Research interests: code analysis and search, genome sequence alignmentation, parallel computing and performance optimization


ASE 2020Author of CCGraph: a PDG-based code clone detector with approximate graph matching within the Research Papers-track
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