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ASE 2020
Mon 21 - Fri 25 September 2020 Melbourne, Australia
Tim Menzies

Registered user since Tue 20 Oct 2015

Name: Tim Menzies

Bio: Full prof, ex-nurse,rocketman,taxi-driver,journalist (it all made sense at the time).

Country: United States

Affiliation: North Carolina State University, USA

Personal website: http://menzies.us

Research interests: SBSE, software analytics, software product lines, Mining Software Repositories, data_mining_and_machine_learning


ASE 2020Author of Making Fair ML Software using Trustworthy Explanation within the NIER track-track
Artefacts Chair in Artifact Evaluation Chair within the Artifact Evaluation-track
Artefacts Chair in Organizing Committee
Speaker of How to Conduct a Quick yet Thorough Literature Review: Saving Weeks of Effort With FASTREAD within the Tutorials-track
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