ISSTA 2019
Mon 15 - Fri 19 July 2019 Beijing, China
Xavier Devroey

Registered user since Tue 7 May 2019

Name: Xavier Devroey

Bio: My name is Xavier Devroey. I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) of the Delft University of Technology. I am currently involved in the Big Software on the Run 3TU project (BSR), aiming at developing novel techniques and tools to analyze software systems in vivo, and the Software Testing Amplification European project (STAMP), aiming at bringing test automation and amplification to the DevOps world.

Country: Netherlands

Affiliation: Delft University of Technology

Personal website:

Research interests: Software Testing, Search-Based Software Engineering, Software Variability


ISSTA 2019Author of Effective and Efficient API Misuse Detection via Exception Propagation and Search-based Testing within the Technical Papers-track
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