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ICSE 2022
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Mark Harman

Registered user since Fri 28 Jul 2017

Name: Mark Harman

Bio: Mark Harman is an engineering manager at Facebook London, and also a part time professor of Software Engineering in the Department of Computer Science at University College London, where he directed the CREST centre for ten years (2006-2017) and was Head of Software Systems Engineering (2012-2017). His scientific work includes source code analysis, software testing, app store analysis and Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE), a field he co-founded and which has grown rapidly to include over 1,600 authors spread over more than 40 countries. In February 2017, he and the other two co-founders of the start-up Majicke moved to Facebook, London, where they are working on software test automation.

Country: United Kingdom

Affiliation: University College London, UK

Personal website: http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/M.Harman/

Research interests: SBSE, Testing, Analysis, App Stores, Crowdsouring


ICSE 2022SEIP Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
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