Facilitating Automation of Architecture Description Meta-models requirements, ADL theory, software Architecture Ontology A common understanding of structural abstractions and their underlying design assumptions in architecture descriptions (AD), is as important for development of complex systems, as agreeing on electrical power standards and shapes of electrical sockets is, to the production of domestic appliances. Explicating design assumptions encourages their formal modeling and automation. We strongly believe that achieving their proper formalism/automation requires recognition of AD meta-model ontologies as first class objects in software architectures. Accepting this premise imposes new requirements on ADLs. We want to restrict ADLs to act only as supporting infrastructure by being (1) "neutral" enough to define structural aspects of AD independent of specific commitments to their conceptualization, and (2) "extensible" enough to use these constructs in supporting formalisms at meta-level. In this paper, we present requirements and a linguistic framework for ADLs that supports formalism of AD meta-model ontologies.